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Recap: Food Voices Salon - GMOs Exposed

November 12, 2015
Center for Food Safety

Hollywood Food Guild held its inaugural Food Voices Salon Event, GMOs Exposed on Tuesday evening, November 10, 2015 at Wanderlust Hollywood. Then evening included speakers from different worlds of the Food Movement. Center for Food Safety Founder, Hollywood Food Guild Co-Founder and our resident GMO expert, Andrew Kimbrell started off the evening with a quick run-down of GMOs (see below). Then we opened up to our panel with 5th generation farmer Phil McGrath, Chef Jeremy Fox, Andy Shrader (LA City Council) and Nisha Vida.

Phil McGrath and Jeremy Fox beautifully described the joys of eating organic, local foods in season in southern California with an emphasis on biodiverse crops. Andy Shrader and Nisha provided a systems-based point of view of the food system and emphasized our individual power in the food movement not only in promoting good policies and politicians but also voting 3 times a day with our meal choices.

We wrapped up the evening with a lively Q&A session with our guests and Andy Shrader ended the night with Gandhi’s famous quote, “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”



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