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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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May 15th, 2013
EPA Report on Bee Health Reveals Serious Flaws in Review of Pesticides, Yet Agency Refuses to Take Action
EPA Report on Bee Health Reveals Serious Flaws in Review of Pesticides, Yet Agency Refuses to Take Action
Just over a week ago, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) released a joint report intended to address the devastating losses occurring in b
May 14th, 2013
Best Public Relations Money Can Buy - A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups
Best Public Relations Money Can Buy - A Guide to Food Industry Front Groups
Last month, the International Food Information Council Foundation released the third edition of its report: Food Biotechnology: A Communicator’s Guide to Improving Understanding. What sounds like a re
May 12th, 2013
Mothers of Pure Food, Rebirthing a Movement
Mothers of Pure Food, Rebirthing a Movement
In celebration of Mother’s Day, our new Policy Director, Elizabeth Kucinich, has written about her grandmothers and the role of women in the birth of the food movement more than 100 years ago, a movem
May 9th, 2013
Fueling the Food Industry: Distillers Grains
Fueling the Food Industry: Distillers Grains
Your car and your dinner may have more in common than you think.  If you eat  beef from conventionally raised cows, odds are that during its life it was fed a by"‘product of ethanol fuel production kn
May 8th, 2013
Putting the Food Safety back in the "Food Safety Modernization Act"
Putting the Food Safety back in the
In the last few years, it seems like almost every week there is a new foodborne illness outbreak making headlines.  Listeria in imported cheese and cantaloupe.  Salmonella in peanut butter, imported p
May 1st, 2013
Arsenic and Old FDA Policy
Arsenic and Old FDA Policy
1944 was a big year for arsenic.  That year, Carey Grant garnered laughs in Arsenic and Old Lace by playing the nephew of two “crazy” aunts who used the poison to kill lonely bachelors.  Unfortunately
April 30th, 2013
Got Kids? Skip the Pesticides. Doctors' Orders!
Got Kids? Skip the Pesticides. Doctors' Orders!
Click here for the Spanish language version If your pediatrician recommends eating more fruits and vegetables, what they really mean is to eat organic fruits and vegetables. Last fall the American Ass
April 30th, 2013
Public Participation in Government Decision-Making: An Organic Tradition
Public Participation in Government Decision-Making: An Organic Tradition
Public participation in government decision-making is an American tradition.  Its roots extend all the way back to the Administrative Procedure Act of 1946,[1] the law which codified the first require
April 25th, 2013
Can We Learn from the Bees in Time to Save Them?
Can We Learn from the Bees in Time to Save Them?
This Earth Week we look to the honey bee, that perfect symbol of human dependency on nature, for our own health and well-being.  But how healthy are our honey bees?  Bees are an indicator species, mea
April 8th, 2013
Ridding Schools of Fast Food, Junk Food, and Soda Pushers
Ridding Schools of Fast Food, Junk Food, and Soda Pushers
With the passage of the Healthy, Hungry-Free Kids Act of 2010, in addition to improving school meals, Congress required the U.S. Department of Agriculture to update nearly non-existent nutrition stand
March 29th, 2013
Will April Showers Still Bring May Flowers?
Will April Showers Still Bring May Flowers?
California Farmers and Ranchers report from the front lines Quick, what comes to mind when you hear the word “spring?” Let us count the ways we know spring has arrived… the sight of bright green buds,
February 28th, 2013
Forward with Cool Foods
Forward with Cool Foods
“Keep Calm and Eat Cool Foods” read our cherry-red signs as the Cool Foods Campaign marched toward the Washington Monument on Sunday, February 17th. If you follow our social media you already know tha
February 4th, 2013
The 5 Coolest Treats for Your Valentine
The 5 Coolest Treats for Your Valentine
Valentine’s Day is just around the corner. This year why not show your love the Cool Foods way? 1. CHOCOLATESFebruary 14th is the day that gives you license to indulge in high quality chocolate! And w
January 18th, 2013
The Agricultural Fulcrum: Better Food, Better Climate
The Agricultural Fulcrum: Better Food, Better Climate
In a timely and provocative piece published today in The Atlantic, Cool Foods Campaign Director Diana Donlon highlights the unique potency of agriculture, positioned at the fulcrum of food and climate
January 16th, 2013
Congress Passes Damaging Farm Bill Extension in "Fiscal Cliff" Package
Congress Passes Damaging Farm Bill Extension in
Biotech riders omitted, but organic and other sustainable programs take a major hit On September 30, 2012 Congress did the unthinkable when it let the 2008 Farm Bill—the legislation that governs natio
November 16th, 2012
Thanksgiving traditions for a changing climate
Thanksgiving traditions for a changing climate
As Thanksgiving approaches, we are reminded of time with family, showing gratitude, and honoring the land’s abundance. Traditionally, we give thanks for a successful, diverse, and plentiful harvest. H