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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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June 23rd, 2017
"Food Evolution" Film: Propaganda and Pandering
I’ve written about pro-GMO propaganda before – about the “Big Lie.” It’s a term that refers to a propaganda or advertising technique by which first you say the opposite of an obvious truth about an ev
June 8th, 2017
Out to Pasture? USDA May Scrap Key Protections for Organic Animals and Consumers
Out to Pasture? USDA May Scrap Key Protections for Organic Animals and Consumers
People choose organic foods because they believe that they were produced with integrity by farmers committed to strong standards of care for the planet and all its inhabitants. They trust that the org
May 22nd, 2017
Generally Recognized as Safe (Because Industry Says So)
Generally Recognized as Safe (Because Industry Says So)
Epigallocatechin"‘3-gallate. Gamma"‘amino butyric acid. Theobromine. Nano-scale titanium dioxide. Most consumers expect the foods they purchase and feed their families to be free of chemicals like the
May 12th, 2017
This Mother's Day, Celebrate Your Mother and Mother Earth with Pollinator-Friendly Plants
This Mother's Day, Celebrate Your Mother and Mother Earth with Pollinator-Friendly Plants
Every May, adults and children alike are tasked with a daunting mission—to somehow thank our mothers for everything they’ve done for us over the years. Classic Mother’s Day traditions include a sentim
May 11th, 2017
Wielding our Political Power for Progress in the Food Movement
Wielding our Political Power for Progress in the Food Movement
Five years ago today, I closed out my first legislative session as a grassroots lobbyist. At that time, I was an active member of the all-volunteer Hawaii Food Policy Council, a project I helped co-cr
May 5th, 2017
EPA Should Look North For Guidance on Neonicotinoids
EPA Should Look North For Guidance on Neonicotinoids
You’ve heard it before: bees are dying at alarming rates and research continues to point to a toxic class of insecticides (neonicotinoids) as a leading contributor to pollinator declines. Unfortunatel
May 1st, 2017
Trump's First 100 Days of Cozying Up to Big Ag
Trump's First 100 Days of Cozying Up to Big Ag
As of April 29th, Donald Trump has held the office of president for 100 days. It is ironically fitting that his 100th day in office coincided with the People’s Climate March in Washington, D.C. and si
April 28th, 2017
Connecting the Dots on Ag and Climate Change
Connecting the Dots on Ag and Climate Change
This weekend, hundreds of thousands of citizens will march in Washington, D.C., and around the world, raising their voices to demand action on climate change, one of the most critical issues of our da
April 25th, 2017
Creating a People's Seed Movement
Creating a People's Seed Movement
CFS Launches Global Seed Network to Preserve, Protect, and Grow Seed Sovereignty and Food Security The U.S. has lost 93 percent of its fruit and vegetable seed diversity in the last 80 years and, acco
April 21st, 2017
Moooo-ve Over Big Ag: Fresh Farm Bill Ideas for 2018
Moooo-ve Over Big Ag: Fresh Farm Bill Ideas for 2018
During my tenure as an intern with CFS, I’ve had the opportunity to research a wide variety of issues pertaining to our food system, such as pollinator health, animal production, and genetic engineeri
April 7th, 2017
Homeland Food Security
Homeland Food Security
In the United States today, hunger impacts more than 42 million Americans. This is a national disgrace caused by poverty and income inequality. In the not-too-distant future, hunger could also be the
April 5th, 2017
2017 Hawaii State Legislative Session Update
2017 Hawaii State Legislative Session Update
LAST CHANCE TO TAKE ACTION! Call your Representative now and urge them to schedule a hearing for SB 804 HD 1 in the House Committee of Finance ASAP! FIND YOUR REPRESENTATIVE HERE! The 2017 legislative
March 31st, 2017
Celebrating Cesar Chavez, Celebrating Farm Workers
Celebrating Cesar Chavez, Celebrating Farm Workers
Photo: WWE, NBC Universo As we wrap up National Farmworker Awareness Week, many of us around the country are taking today as opportunity to celebrate one of the most important voices in the farmworker
April 4th, 2017
Oppose the Unsafe Food Act
Oppose the Unsafe Food Act
The so-called Regulatory Accountability Act jeopardizes critical food safety rules Food safety rules are the kinds of government regulations that offer vital protections for public health. They are in
March 21st, 2017
Antioch loves their bees! Tracking a successful year for the BEE Protective Campaign
Antioch loves their bees! Tracking a successful year for the BEE Protective Campaign
Colleges are abuzz with pollinator-friendly practices We are very excited that over the past year, numerous higher education institutions – including Antioch College, Villanova University, and Macales