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Pacific Northwest
Hawai'i CFS

Policy Comments

August 1st, 2011
| GE Fish
Center for Food Safety additional comments to FDA and President Obama on new scientific papers regarding GE fish.
July 28th, 2011
| Food Safety
CFS comments to USDA on proposed National Leafy Green Marketing Agreement (Docket No. AO-FV-09-0138; AMS-FV-09-0029; FV-09-9701)
July 28th, 2011
| Organic & Beyond
CFS Comments to USDA on proposed National Leafy Greens Marketing Agreement (NLGMA). CFS believes that food safety is not just about eliminating microbial contamination from farms and processing facilities. It is also about looking at the full spectrum of factors that impinge upon delivering safe, healthy food to consumers across the U.S. and abroad. CFS does not believe that these values and practices that underpin a safe food system can be preserved with the introduction of a NLGMA that is driven by large-
May 2nd, 2011
| GE Foods
CFS Science Policy Analyst Bill Freese has over a decade of experience engaging the USDA, EPA and FDA on dozens of different GE crops and GE crop regulatory matters. In 2004, he teamed up with the distinguished Salk Institute cell biologist Dr. Dave Schubert to publish a peer-reviewed critique of the US regulatory system for GE crops.
April 11th, 2011
| Aquaculture
Comments on NOAA's Draft Aquaculture Policy on behalf of organizations and individuals, including the Center for Food Safety, criticizing NOAA's draft policy for not considering the broader integration of natural marine ecosystems and their services and food systems that support our coastal communities.
April 10th, 2011
| Organic & Beyond
CFS comments to NOSB for April 26-19 meeting in Seattle, re: avoiding conflict of interest in NOSB decisions, prohibiting antibiotics in organic apple & pear growing, clarifying the definition of synthetics, improving animal welfare and slaughter standards and practices, and evaluating accessory nutrients in organic food.
April 6th, 2011
| Animal Factories
Legal petition to EPA for the regulation of ammonia as a criteria pollutant under clean air sections 108 and 109
January 24th, 2011
| GE Foods
CFS open letter to U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Secretary Tom Vilsack and other key Agencies requesting that the USDA carefully reconsider, based on sound science, the full range of impacts that would ensue from the commercial planting of genetically engineered (GE) Roundup Ready (RR) alfalfa
December 21st, 2010
| GE Fish
Letter to USDA Deputy Commissioner Sharfstein from Ocean Conservancy and Center for Food Safety expressing concern with the potential approval of GE salmon ahead of a full and complete environmental impact review, and urging FDA to uphold its commitment to review all public comments received to date and to establish an additional 30-day public comment period to seek further public input.
December 6th, 2010
| GE Foods
Science Comments II: Center for Food Safety comments to USDA APHIS opposing partial deregulation and commercialization of genetically engineered sugar beets
December 6th, 2010
| GE Fish
Letter to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Environment Canada, accompanying a statement of opposition to genetically engineered fish from the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), signed by 60 fisheries and oceans conservation, environmental and social justice groups from across Canada: Letter
December 6th, 2010
| GE Foods
Science Comments: Center for Food Safety comments to USDA APHIS opposing partial deregulation and commercialization of genetically engineered sugar beets
December 6th, 2010
| GE Foods
Legal Comments: Center for Food Safety comments to USDA APHIS opposing partial deregulation and commercialization of genetically engineered sugar beets
December 6th, 2010
| GE Fish
Letter to the Minister of the Environment, Minister of Fisheries and Oceans and Environment Canada, accompanying a statement of opposition to genetically engineered fish from the Canadian Biotechnology Action Network (CBAN), signed by 60 fisheries and oceans conservation, environmental and social justice groups from across Canada: Statement of Opposition
November 22nd, 2010
| GE Fish
Center for Food Safety comments to FDA on the approval and labeling of genetically engineered salmon
November 22nd, 2010
| GE Fish
Comments from the Yukon River Drainage Fisheries Association (Alaska) to FDA on the approval and labeling of GE salmon