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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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Pacific Northwest
Hawai'i CFS

Policy Comments

July 17th, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS comments to APHIS opposing deregulation of genetically engineered plums the first temperate GE tree.
June 12th, 2006
| Organic & Beyond
CFS comments to USDA on proposed rulemaking regarding access to pasture in organic livestock production in the National Organic Program.
May 12th, 2006
| Organic & Beyond
CFS comments on proposed revisions to organic livestock standards, in response to the outcome of Harvey v. Johanns.
April 5th, 2006
| Organic & Beyond
CFS comments to the National Organic Standards Board on proposed guidelines for organic aquaculture.
April 4th, 2006
| Aquaculture
Over 50 organizations, including CFS, comment to the Senate in opposition to the National Offshore Aquaculture Act.
March 22nd, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS, along with numerous environmental organizations and state officials, comments to Congress in opposition to the National Uniformity for Food Act.: Letter from Environmental Coalition
March 22nd, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS, along with numerous environmental organizations and state officials, comments to Congress in opposition to the National Uniformity for Food Act.: Letter from Assoc. of Food and Drug Officials
March 22nd, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS, along with numerous environmental organizations and state officials, comments to Congress in opposition to the National Uniformity for Food Act.: Letter from 39 State Attorneys General
March 22nd, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS, along with numerous environmental organizations and state officials, comments to Congress in opposition to the National Uniformity for Food Act.: Letter from Nat'l Assoc. of State Depts. of Agriculture
March 15th, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS comments to USDA/APHIS concerning weaknesses in its Environmental Assessment of a field trial for transgenic tall fescue and Italian ryegrass.
February 7th, 2006
| GE Foods
CFS statement on WTO Ruling on U.S. E.U. biotech food dispute
February 6th, 2006
| GE Foods
Joint statement by 15 non-profit organizations on the forthcoming WTO decision in the U.S. E.U. food dispute
January 20th, 2006
| Organic & Beyond
CFS and Consumers Union raise concern over 'consumer' appointments to the National Organic Standards Board.
December 19th, 2005
| Mad Cow Disease
CFS submits comments to FDA on the inadequacies of the agency's proposed animal feed rule.
September 30th, 2005
| Organic & Beyond
CFS and coalition of other NGOs issue statement on the Organic Trade Associations's proposed amendments to the Organic Foods Production Act
September 19th, 2005
| Organic & Beyond
CFS writes letter to Senators urging them to reject amendments to the Organic Foods Production Act that would negatively impact the integrity of the organic label.