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Protecting Our Food, Farms & Environment
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Pacific Northwest
Hawai'i CFS

Policy Comments

May 7th, 2002
| Aquaculture
Comments to Environmental Protection Agency on escaped fish
April 15th, 2002
| GE Foods
Comments on U.S. Department of Agriculture's inadequate environmental assessments of Aventis' 'TOPAS 19/2' canola
April 15th, 2002
| GE Foods
Comments on U.S. Department of Agriculture's inadequate environmental assessments of Monsanto's 'GT 200' canola
April 15th, 2002
| GE Foods
Comments on U.S. Department of Agriculture's inadequate environmental assessments of Aventis' 'MS1 and RF1/RF2' canola
August 21st, 2001
| Food Irradiation
Comments to the U.S. Federal Trade Commission to request a formal investigation of the misuse of the words 'pasteurized' and 'pasteurization' to describe irrdiated food products
July 19th, 2001
| GE Insects
Comments to the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) on its environmental assessment on the proposal for field trials of genetically engineered pink bollworms
May 14th, 2001
| Food Irradiation
Letter to Chairman of Codex Alimentarius Commission opposing revisions to the Codex standards for irradiation
May 14th, 2001
| Food Irradiation
Comments to FDA opposing the use of ionizing radiation for pre-processed meat and poultry; both raw and pre-processed vegetables, fruits and other agricultural products of plant origin; and certain multi-ingredient food products
February 28th, 2001
| GE Foods
Comments on how U.S. Department of Agriculture can best facilitate the marketing of grains, oilseeds, fruits, vegetables and nuts
November 27th, 2000
| GE Foods
Comments concerning the Environmental Protection Agency's assessment of scientific information concerning Aventis Cropscience's StarLink corn
July 25th, 2000
| Food Irradiation
Letter to USDA-APHIS opposing irradiation of imported fruit and vegetable commodities
March 13th, 2000
| Organic & Beyond
CFS Comments on the New Organic Standards
March 1st, 2000
| Organic & Beyond
Comparative Analysis of NOSB Recommendations and OTA's American Organic Standards
October 29th, 1999
| Organic & Beyond
Letter to Kathleen Merrigan, Director Agriculture Marketing Service, USDA urging the USDA to establish a simple, cost-effective cost-share program for organic small farmers
September 29th, 1998
| Organic & Beyond
Memorandum To National Organic Standards Board: RE: Ex Parte Communications
April 30th, 1998
| Organic & Beyond
CFS comments concerning the draft proposal for 'Guideline for determining whether a processing technology shall be reviewed by the National Organic Standards Board.'