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Press Releases

August 22nd, 2018
Victory! Court Rejects Trump Administration's Claim that Organic Animal Standards Withdrawal Cannot Be Challenged
Victory! Court Rejects Trump Administration's Claim that Organic Animal Standards Withdrawal Cannot Be Challenged
Victory! Court Rejects Trump Administration's Claim that Organic Animal Standards Withdrawal Cannot be Challenged Case Challenging Withdrawal of Organic Animal Welfare Regulations Moves Forward San Fr
August 17th, 2018
California Supreme Court Upholds Placement of Glyphosate on State's Carcinogens List
California Supreme Court Upholds Placement of Glyphosate on State's Carcinogens List
California Supreme Court Upholds Placement of Glyphosate on State's Carcinogens List Justices Refuse to Hear Monsanto's Appeal to Remove the Roundup Ingredient from Proposition 65's List of Hazardous
August 10th, 2018
Jury Determines that Roundup Causes Cancer
Jury Determines that Roundup Causes Cancer
Jury Determines that Roundup Causes Cancer Monsanto's Efforts to Discredit International Agency's Findings Fail San Francisco, CA â?? A jury reached a verdict in a personal liability lawsuit against M
August 9th, 2018
CFS Statement on the Ninth Circuit Opinion Ordering EPA to Prohibit Chlopyrifos
CFS Statement on the Ninth Circuit Opinion Ordering EPA to Prohibit Chlopyrifos
CFS Statement on the Ninth Circuit Opinion Ordering EPA to Prohibit Chlopyrifos "The medical literature is clear. The public is clear. Now our laws are clear too. There is no place for toxic brain har
August 8th, 2018
Legal Action Challenges Trump Reversal of Prohibition on Bee-killing Pesticides, Genetically Modified Crops on National Wildlife Refuges
Legal Action Challenges Trump Reversal of Prohibition on Bee-killing Pesticides, Genetically Modified Crops on National Wildlife Refuges
Image credit: Red knot photo by Brett Hartl, Center for Biological Diversity. Legal Action Challenges Trump Reversal of Prohibition on Bee-killing Pesticides, Genetically Modified Crops on National W
August 6th, 2018
CFS Statement on the Trump administration's elimination of the National Wildlife Refuge prohibition on genetically engineered crops and neonicotinoid pesticides
CFS Statement on the Trump administration's elimination of the National Wildlife Refuge prohibition on genetically engineered crops and neonicotinoid pesticides
Center for Food Safety statement on the Trump administration's elimination of the National Wildlife Refuge prohibition on genetically engineered crops and neonicotinoid pesticides: Washington, D.C. â?
August 1st, 2018
CFS Sues Trump Administration Over GMO Labeling Delay
CFS Sues Trump Administration Over GMO Labeling Delay
CFS Sues Trump Administration Over GMO Labeling Delay Washington, D.C. "“ Today, Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a federal lawsuit against the Trump administration for failing to abide by the manda
July 31st, 2018
Judge Rules Against Tejon Ranch Company's Damaging Grapevine Development
Judge Rules Against Tejon Ranch Company's Damaging Grapevine Development
Image credit: Judge Rules Against Tejon Ranch Company's Damaging Grapevine Development Court Says Kern County Project Did Not Consider Air Pollution, Health Impacts BAKERSFIELD, Calif.
July 25th, 2018
European Court of Justice Rules That New Genetically Engineered Organisms Are GMOs
European Court of Justice Rules That New Genetically Engineered Organisms Are GMOs
European Court of Justice Rules That New Genetically Engineered Organisms Are GMOs Today's decision by the European Court of Justice (ECJ), which functions as the Supreme Court of the European Union,
July 11th, 2018
Public Interest Advocacy Group Sues Trump Administration Over Unlawfully Keeping GMO Labeling Documents Secret
Public Interest Advocacy Group Sues Trump Administration Over Unlawfully Keeping GMO Labeling Documents Secret
Public Interest Advocacy Group Sues Trump Administration Over Unlawfully Keeping GMO Labeling Documents Secret Washington, DC "“ Last week, Center for Food Safety (CFS) sued the Trump Administration f
July 5th, 2018
Pruitt Resigns as EPA Administrator in the Midst of Countless Scandals
Pruitt Resigns as EPA Administrator in the Midst of Countless Scandals
Today, amid controversy and public outcry, Scott Pruitt resigned as Administrator of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). A vocal climate change denier, in February 2017 the U.S. Senate vot
July 3rd, 2018
Consumer, Environmental, Farmer Groups Demand Strong GMO Food Labeling Standards
Consumer, Environmental, Farmer Groups Demand Strong GMO Food Labeling Standards
Consumer, Environmental, Farmer Groups Demand Strong GMO Food Labeling Standards Groups demand USDA require on-package labeling, not QR codes Demand high-processed foods be labeled WASHINGTON, D.C. â?
June 27th, 2018
Groups Applaud Decision to Revoke Lost Valley Permit
Groups Applaud Decision to Revoke Lost Valley Permit
Groups Applaud Decision to Revoke Lost Valley Permit Portland, OR â?? Under intense pressure from family farm, environmental, animal welfare and public health organizations, today Oregon agencies took
June 22nd, 2018
Groups File Amicus in Support of Montgomery County, MD Pesticide Restrictions
Groups File Amicus in Support of Montgomery County, MD Pesticide Restrictions
Groups File Amicus in Support of Montgomery County, MD Pesticide Restrictions Montgomery County, Maryland "“ Ten organizations filed an Amicus brief this week in support of a 2015 landmark Montgomery
June 21st, 2018
Nightmare Farm Bill Passes House of Representatives
Nightmare Farm Bill Passes House of Representatives
Nightmare Farm Bill Passes House of Representatives Bill guts environmental laws, prohibits local regulations, impacts children's health Washington, D.C. â?? Today, the U.S. House of Representatives p
June 14th, 2018
Hawai'i Becomes First State in the U.S. to Ban Chlorpyrifos
Hawai'i Becomes First State in the U.S. to Ban Chlorpyrifos
Hawaii Becomes First State in the U.S. to Ban Chlorpyrifos The toxic pesticide has been linked to asthma and developmental delays in children HONOLULU, HAWAIÊ"I â?? Yesterday, Hawai'i made history as