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Press Releases

January 13th, 2006
University of Hawaii Told to Give Up Taro Patents
Hawaiian activists and farmers today demanded that the University of Hawaii (UH) give up its patents on three lines of taro whose lineage extends back to Polynesian taro first brought to the Islands c
July 25th, 2005
Food, Farm Groups Call For Cancellation of Monsanto-backed Public Television Series on Farming
Over 40 environmental, food safety, farming, responsible investment and other groups sent a letter Friday to the heads of American Public Television (APT) and Sacramento PBS station KVIE requesting th
June 30th, 2005
USDA Approves Applications to Grow Rice With Human Genes on 270 Acres in North Carolina, Missouri
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly approved controversial proposals by genetic engineering firm Ventria Biosciences to grow rice containing human genes on 270 acres in North Carolina and M
June 22nd, 2005
USDA Asked to Bring Organic Food Regulations Into Compliance with 1990 Law
Six agriculture, retail and food safety groups have petitioned the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) to update organic food labeling rules following a judge’s  ruling in the case of Harvey v. Joha
May 12th, 2005
First-Ever U.S. Labeling Law for Genetically Engineered Food Passes in Alaska
The nation’s first-ever labeling legislation for genetically engineered food is poised to become law in Alaska after being passed unanimously by both the state Senate and House. In a move widely seen
May 11th, 2005
Recall Urged for Illegal Biotech Corn
Environmental and food safety groups today demanded in a letter to the heads of three U.S. regulatory agencies that the government remove unapproved genetically engineered corn from the nation’s food
February 9th, 2005
USDA Tactic to Block Release of Organic Agriculture Records Ruled Illegal
 In a clear victory for advocates of organic agriculture, a federal district court judge ruled a U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) stalling tactic illegal, clearing the way for the Center for Food
February 8th, 2005
Government Forced to Disclose Locations of Test Sites of Biopharmaceutical Crops
In a first step toward public disclosure of test sites of biopharmaceutical crops, the U.S. Department of Agriculture was forced by court order on February 4 to reveal the locations of these sites in
January 27th, 2005
Court Acts to Preserve Integrity of National Organic Program; Rules USDA Overstepped its Authority
In the first legal test of USDA’s implementation of the National Organic Program to reach the federal courts, the First Circuit Court of Appeals ruled on January 26, 2005 that USDA had overstepped its
January 13th, 2005
Monsanto Assault on U.S. Farmers Detailed in New Report
The Center for Food Safety released today an extensive review of Monsanto’s use and abuse of U.S. patent law to control the usage of staple crop seeds by U.S. farmers. The Center (CFS) launched its in
November 19th, 2004
New FDA Guidelines Okay Contamination of Food Supply With Genetically Engineered Crops Still In Field Research
 Late today, the FDA released new guidelines for genetically engineered crops still in testing that would allow them to contaminate the nation’s food supply with genetic material. The policy sets guid
November 16th, 2004
Rat Study Reveals Potential Dangers with New Monsanto Corn, EPA Called on to Review Study
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) today alerted both the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and Monsanto about the failure of Monsanto to comply with the adverse reporting requirements of the Federa
November 3rd, 2004
California Initiative Finds Winning Formula for Protecting Farmers, The Environment from Engineered Crops
In what is being called “a victory for local communities,” citizens in Marin County, Calif., voted on Tuesday to join Mendocino and Trinity counties in blocking the growing of genetically engineered p
October 26th, 2004
Is USDA Stacking the Deck in Favor of Genetically Engineered Bentgrass?
The Center for Food Safety (CFS) and International Center for Technology Assessment (CTA) are engaged in a lawsuit against the USDA for its failure to perform adequate environmental review prior to al
October 5th, 2004
Immediate Injunction Sought on Field Tests of Genetically Engineered Turf Grass
 The International Center for Technology Assessment has filed for an immediate injunction aimed at halting current and future field tests of genetically engineered creeping bentgrass. The motion comes
September 20th, 2004
EPA Finds Contamination from Genetically Engineered Turf Grass Miles from Source
In a seminal study of gene contamination from genetically engineered creeping bentgrass, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has found evidence of “multiple instances at numerous locations of lon