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Press Releases

November 15th, 2013
Center for Food Safety Urges New Jersey Lawmakers to Protect Pigs from Extreme Confinement
Center for Food Safety Urges New Jersey Lawmakers to Protect Pigs from Extreme Confinement
Policy Director Elizabeth Kucinich to meet with legislators and press on Monday, day of the vote On Monday, legislators in New Jersey will hold a vote to overturn a controversial veto by Governor Chri
November 14th, 2013
Agribusiness Spends $22 Million, $25 per Vote, to Keep Consumers in the Dark
Agribusiness Spends $22 Million, $25 per Vote, to Keep Consumers in the Dark
Center for Food Safety Vows to Keep Fighting for GE LabelingThis week, I-522, a ballot initiative to label foods produced with genetic engineering (GE), was narrowly defeated in Washington State. Chem
November 14th, 2013
Center for Food Safety Vows to Defend Kaua'i Law Protecting Residents from Pesticide Exposure
Center for Food Safety Vows to Defend Kaua'i Law Protecting Residents from Pesticide Exposure
Today the Kaua’i County Council postponed a vote to overturn a mayoral veto of a law to protect the public from pesticide exposure. The Council is expected to vote on the veto override on Saturday aft
November 13th, 2013
Center for Food Safety Urges Strong Protections from Arsenic in Food Supply
Center for Food Safety Urges Strong Protections from Arsenic in Food Supply
CFS calls for “Cumulative Exposure” regulatory strategy for apple juice and other staple foods Late yesterday, Center for Food Safety (CFS) strongly urged the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to lim
November 5th, 2013
New Report Highlights Potential Hazards of Genetically Engineered Trees Currently Under USDA Review
New Report Highlights Potential Hazards of Genetically Engineered Trees Currently Under USDA Review
Center for Food Safety Challenges “Greenwashing” in a Landmark Review of Genetically Engineered (GE) Trees As the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) considers whether to approve the first genetical
November 5th, 2013
Federal Appeals Court Refuses Government Request to Further Delay Food Safety Rules
Federal Appeals Court Refuses Government Request to Further Delay Food Safety Rules
Rule Will Help Prevent a Terrorist Attack on Our Food Supply Late yesterday the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals denied a Food and Drug Administration (FDA) motion to delay issuing a draft rule required
November 4th, 2013
Center for Food Safety to FDA: GE is Not Natural
Center for Food Safety to FDA: GE is Not Natural
CFS Asks FDA to Reject Court Request to Define “Natural” Center for Food Safety (CFS) today wrote to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) asking the agency to decline a District Court request t
October 31st, 2013
CFS's Cool Foods Campaign Wins Judges' Choice Award in Round One of MIT Competition, Competing for $10,000 Grand Prize
CFS's Cool Foods Campaign Wins Judges' Choice Award in Round One of MIT Competition, Competing for $10,000 Grand Prize
“Food Solutions to Climate Problems? There’s an App for that!” Center for Food Safety’s “Cool Foods” Campaign has received the Judges Choice Award for “Reducing consumption” in the 2012-2013 MIT Clim
October 31st, 2013
Center for Food Safety Farm Bill Priorities Sent to Conferees
Center for Food Safety Farm Bill Priorities Sent to Conferees
Farm Bill Must Support Organic Farmers and Pollinators, Safeguard Public Health and Environment On the heels of yesterday’s first public meeting of the 2013 farm bill conference committee, today Cente
October 23rd, 2013
Agriculture and Beekeeping Groups Demand Pollinator Protection in Farm Bill
Agriculture and Beekeeping Groups Demand Pollinator Protection in Farm Bill
Center for Food Safety and 57 allies send letter to farm bill conferees calling for inclusion of pollinator protection provision Center for Food Safety, along with a diverse coalition of beekeeping, a
October 17th, 2013
Hundreds of Thousands Reject World Food Prize Sham
Hundreds of Thousands Reject World Food Prize Sham
Public outraged as chemical companies Monsanto and Syngenta awarded the now tarnished prize Today, Center for Food Safety (CFS), Pesticide Action Network North America (PANNA),, and Iowa C
October 16th, 2013
Victory! Kaua'i Protects People Over Pesticide Industry
Victory! Kaua'i Protects People Over Pesticide Industry
Landmark Your Right to Know Pesticide and GE Ordinance passes in spite of intense industry lobbying, demonstrates strength of the food movement Today the Kaua‘i County Council passed a new law that wo
October 10th, 2013
Food Poisoning Scare Puts House Strategy at Odds with Public Health
Food Poisoning Scare Puts House Strategy at Odds with Public Health
Center for Food Safety sends letter to House leadership urging full funding of government to protect Americans Today, spurred by the recent multi-state outbreak of Salmonella, Center for Food Safety s
October 7th, 2013
Public Interest Groups Sue FDA Demanding Records on Controversial Animal Growth Drugs Under Freedom of Information Act
Public Interest Groups Sue FDA Demanding Records on Controversial Animal Growth Drugs Under Freedom of Information Act
Challenges to Industry Use of Ractopamine and Zilpaterol in Light of Animal Welfare, Food Safety Concerns Today, the Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) and Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a lawsuit i
October 7th, 2013
Piecemeal Funding of Food Safety Programs is Wrong Approach
Piecemeal Funding of Food Safety Programs is Wrong Approach
Center for Food Safety Statement on H.J. Res. 77. It is the position of Center for Food Safety that the only way to ensure that our food system is adequately safe and secure is for Congress to pass a
October 3rd, 2013
Local Food and Agriculture Rights Stifled by Oregon Dirty Politics
Local Food and Agriculture Rights Stifled by Oregon Dirty Politics
Center for Food Safety Examining Legal Challenge to Oregon State Budget Bill Center for Food Safety (CFS) is examining legal options to restore the rights of local governments after an amendment to pr