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Press Releases

October 1st, 2013
FDA to Withdraw Approvals of Arsenic in Animal Feed
FDA to Withdraw Approvals of Arsenic in Animal Feed
Win for Public Health as Legal Pressure of Food Safety and Agriculture Groups Compels Agency and Industry to Act Late yesterday, under threat of a lawsuit, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) respo
September 27th, 2013
USDA Refuses to Investigate Illegal GMO Contamination
USDA Refuses to Investigate Illegal GMO Contamination
CFS Takes Legal Action To Protect Farmers Center for Food Safety (CFS) today filed a formal legal petition demanding action from the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) on behalf of Washington State
September 26th, 2013
Victory! CFS and Allies Defeat "Monsanto Protection Act" in Congress
Victory! CFS and Allies Defeat
Center for Food Safety applauds Senator Mikulski and Senate Leadership for removing the “Monsanto Protection Act” through an amendment filed to the Senate Continuing Resolution (CR).  The House-passed
September 24th, 2013
GE Crop Ban Did Not Crimp Refuge Agriculture
GE Crop Ban Did Not Crimp Refuge Agriculture
Nearly Same Acreage Planted as Refuge Farmers Switched to Less Damaging, Non-GE Crops When a federal court ordered an end to planting of genetically engineered (GE) crops on all National Wildlife Ref
September 24th, 2013
Chairman Mikulski Seeks to End "Monsanto Protection Act"
Chairman Mikulski Seeks to End
Victory Would Demonstrate Growing Strength of Food Movement on Capitol Hill Senator Barbara Mikulski (D-MD), Chair of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, will tomorrow propose an alternative short
September 23rd, 2013
Broad Coalition Urges Governor to Withdraw Bill that is Anti-farmers and Consumers
Broad Coalition Urges Governor to Withdraw Bill that is Anti-farmers and Consumers
Governor Kitzhaber and legislative leaders urged to remove local food and agriculture pre-emption bill from special session PERS/Tax Package Today, a coalition of small farm, organic industry, food sa
September 20th, 2013
House Republicans Vote to Extend Monsanto Protection Act
House Republicans Vote to Extend Monsanto Protection Act
Center for Food Safety urges Senate leadership to Remove Rider from House-passed CR Center for Food Safety decries the vote today by House Republicans to extend the “Monsanto Protection Act” in the sh
September 18th, 2013
Agrichemical Companies Outraise Consumers' Groups Nearly 4 to 1 in Fight to Label GMOs
Agrichemical Companies Outraise Consumers' Groups Nearly 4 to 1 in Fight to Label GMOs
Data from the Washington State Public Disclosure Commission reveal that groups opposed to the labeling of genetically modified food products are outraising pro-consumer rights groups nearly four to on
September 17th, 2013
New USDA Announcement Undermines Organic Standards
New USDA Announcement Undermines Organic Standards
Center for Food Safety today criticized the USDA’s National Organic Program (NOP)  for taking surprising and unilateral steps to undermine organic standards. The Agency announced, without warning and
September 12th, 2013
New GE Contamination Reported in Washington State Alfalfa
New GE Contamination Reported in Washington State Alfalfa
September 12, 2013— An export shipment of alfalfa from Washington State was rejected after the shipment tested positive for contamination from genetically engineered (GE), herbicide-resistant alfalfa.
September 11th, 2013
House Ignores Public Outcry, Extends Controversial "Monsanto Protection Act"
House Ignores Public Outcry, Extends Controversial
Center for Food Safety calls on Senate to exclude dangerous rider in House bill   September 11, 2013, Washington, DC—Center for Food Safety has just learned that the controversial corporate earmark k
September 10th, 2013
Monsanto Spends 4.5 Million Dollars to Oppose Washington GE labeling Campaign
Monsanto Spends 4.5 Million Dollars to Oppose Washington GE labeling Campaign
Food Movement Puts Industry on the Defensive Chemical and agribusiness powerhouse Monsanto has just invested $4.5 million to defeat the I-522 campaign, a state ballot initiative to require mandatory l
September 5th, 2013
New CFS Report Examines Devastating Impact of Pesticides on Bees and Pollinators
New CFS Report Examines Devastating Impact of Pesticides on Bees and Pollinators
A Comprehensive Primer on Pollinator Health from Leading Experts A new CFS report out today, Pollinators and Pesticides, examines the close link between neonicotinoid pesticides and pollinator populat
August 29th, 2013
New Genetically Engineered (GE) Crop Will Sharply Increase Use of Toxic Pesticide, a "Probable Human Carcinogen"
New Genetically Engineered (GE) Crop Will Sharply Increase Use of Toxic Pesticide, a
Biotech Industry Inaugurates New Era of Pesticide-Promoting Agriculture The U.S. Department of Agriculture has quietly approved the first of a new generation of GE crops resistant to more toxic herbic
August 28th, 2013
Coalition Sues Environmental Protection Agency for Abandoning Critical Factory Farm Rule
Coalition Sues Environmental Protection Agency for Abandoning Critical Factory Farm Rule
EPA unlawfully scrapped proposal to collect basic information about Factory Farms necessary to protect nation’s waterways A coalition of community, animal welfare and environmental organizations is fi
August 27th, 2013
Lawsuit Filed to Protect Midwest Wildlife Refuges
Lawsuit Filed to Protect Midwest Wildlife Refuges
Pesticides and Genetically Engineered Crops on Refuge Lands Are Illegal and Damaging to the Environment A federal lawsuit filed today seeks to halt the planting of genetically engineered (GE) crops a