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Press Releases

February 19th, 2021
Pilot Swine Slaughter Plants with 'Self-Inspection' Rules Have Almost Twice as Many Violations for Carcass Fecal and Digestive Matter
Pilot Swine Slaughter Plants with 'Self-Inspection' Rules Have Almost Twice as Many Violations for Carcass Fecal and Digestive Matter
Washington D.C.—New data released today show that in the years leading up to the Trump administration's approval of new inspection rules for swine slaughter plants, those establishments that piloted t
February 16th, 2021
Opening Brief Filed in Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration's Expansion of Bee-killing Insecticide Sulfoxaflor
Opening Brief Filed in Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration's Expansion of Bee-killing Insecticide Sulfoxaflor
SAN FRANCISCO—Yesterday, Center for Food Safety and the Center for Biological Diversity filed the opening brief in their lawsuit challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) approval of the
February 11th, 2021
Court of Appeals Backs Environmentalists: Federal Greenlight of Industrial Shellfish Aquaculture Unlawful
Court of Appeals Backs Environmentalists: Federal Greenlight of Industrial Shellfish Aquaculture Unlawful
(Seattle, WA) -- Today, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals affirmed Center for Food Safety's (CFS) and Coalition to Protect Puget Sound's (CPPSH) victory in their lawsuits seeking to revoke the C
February 8th, 2021
Lawsuit Launched Over Army Corps' Failure to Protect Endangered Wildlife From Nationwide Permit Program
Lawsuit Launched Over Army Corps' Failure to Protect Endangered Wildlife From Nationwide Permit Program
PORTLAND, Ore.— Center for Food Safety, the Center for Biological Diversity, Waterkeeper Alliance, and allies issued a formal notice today of their intent to sue the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers for f
February 8th, 2021
Conservationists and California Fish and Game Commission Pursue Appeal to Ensure Legal Protections for Imperiled Bumble Bees
Conservationists and California Fish and Game Commission Pursue Appeal to Ensure Legal Protections for Imperiled Bumble Bees
SACRAMENTO, Calif. — Today, Center for Food Safety, Defenders of Wildlife, and the Xerces Society, represented by Stanford Environmental Law Clinic, announced they are appealing a November 2020 decisi
February 5th, 2021
Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration's Dirty Swine Slaughter Rules Allowed to Proceed in Federal Court
Lawsuit Challenging Trump Administration's Dirty Swine Slaughter Rules Allowed to Proceed in Federal Court
Washington D.C.—In a ruling yesterday, a federal court allowed a lawsuit contesting the Trump administration's rollback of food safety rules in swine slaughter plants to proceed. The court denied the
February 1st, 2021
Public Oral Argument in Industry Appeal of Federal Court Nullification of Unlawful Shellfish Aquaculture Permit in Washington
Public Oral Argument in Industry Appeal of Federal Court Nullification of Unlawful Shellfish Aquaculture Permit in Washington
(Seattle, WA) -- Tomorrow, on February 2nd, the U.S. Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals will be hearing arguments in Center for Food Safety's (CFS) ongoing lawsuit challenging the Clean Water Act general
January 29th, 2021
Lawsuit Challenging FDA Approval of Novel Genetically Engineered Color Additive That Makes Impossible Burger "Bleed" Moves Forward
Lawsuit Challenging FDA Approval of Novel Genetically Engineered Color Additive That Makes Impossible Burger
(Washington, D.C.) -- Yesterday, Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed a legal brief in its challenge to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) 2019 approval of soy leghemoglobin ("heme"), a color
January 26th, 2021
Coalition Calls for Urgent Action On Livestock Antibiotic Overuse
Coalition Calls for Urgent Action On Livestock Antibiotic Overuse
(Washington, D.C.) The Antibiotics Off The Menu (AOTM) coalition has released a statement calling for the Biden Administration to address the ongoing global threat of antibiotic resistance at the fede
January 21st, 2021
Trump EPA Approves Use of Medically Important Antibiotic and Banned Pesticide to Address Citrus Greening Disease
Trump EPA Approves Use of Medically Important Antibiotic and Banned Pesticide to Address Citrus Greening Disease
(Washington, D.C.) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has approved the use of a previously banned pesticide, aldicarb, and a medically important antibiotic, streptomycin, to address bacterial c
January 19th, 2021
Media Advisory: Public Oral Argument in Lawsuit Challenging Labeling of Hydroponically-Grown Foods as Organic
Media Advisory: Public Oral Argument in Lawsuit Challenging Labeling of Hydroponically-Grown Foods as Organic
(San Francisco, Calif.) On Thursday, January 21st, the United States District Court for the Northern District of California will hear arguments in Center for Food Safety's (CFS) ongoing lawsuit challe
January 12th, 2021
Federal Court Rejects Bid by EPA, Pesticide Industry to Keep Bee-Killing Pesticide Sulfoxaflor on Market Despite Known Risks to Endangered Species
Federal Court Rejects Bid by EPA, Pesticide Industry to Keep Bee-Killing Pesticide Sulfoxaflor on Market Despite Known Risks to Endangered Species
(San Francisco, Calif.) The U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit today rejected the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) request to allow farmers to continue using the bee-killing pesticide
December 21st, 2020
Farmers, Conservation Groups Challenge EPA's Unlawful Re-approval of Dangerous, Drift-Prone Dicamba Pesticide
Farmers, Conservation Groups Challenge EPA's Unlawful Re-approval of Dangerous, Drift-Prone Dicamba Pesticide
SAN FRANCISCO—Four public interest groups filed a lawsuit today challenging the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) rushed re-approval of products containing the dangerous, drift-prone dicamba pes
December 18th, 2020
Farmworkers and Conservationists Ask Court to Remove Monsanto's Roundup from the Market
Farmworkers and Conservationists Ask Court to Remove Monsanto's Roundup from the Market
(San Francisco, Cal.) Yesterday, Center for Food Safety (CFS) filed the opening arguments and evidence in its litigation challenging the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) re-approval of gly
December 9th, 2020
FDA's Outdated Lead Standards Put the Public's Health at Risk
FDA's Outdated Lead Standards Put the Public's Health at Risk
Today, a group of organizations sent a formal petition to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) urging the agency to revise its outdated standards for lead in food to better protect the public, and e
December 16th, 2020
UPDATE: MAJOR VICTORY ON MONARCHS PROTECTION— Monarch Butterflies Put on Candidate Waiting List for Endangered Species Act Protection
UPDATE: MAJOR VICTORY ON MONARCHS PROTECTION— Monarch Butterflies Put on Candidate Waiting List for Endangered Species Act Protection
WASHINGTON—Following yesterday's news that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service has now deemed that protection for Monarch butterflies under the Endangered Species Act is scientifically and legally "war