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February 27th, 2018
| Civil Eats
Dan Barber's Seed Company Seeks to Sow the "Democratization of Flavor"
By Nancy Matsumoto - Chef Dan Barber loves heirloom produce. But, after cooking with it for years, the world-famous author and advocate for sustainable food says he realized that there was an important reason these delicate fruits and vegetables would probably never make it to the masses.
February 1st, 2018
| Vice
California Bill Aims to Ban Plastic Straws
By Jelisa Castrodale - Restaurant workers could face fines of $1,000 or six months in jail if they offer plastic straws to customers.
February 8th, 2018
EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt suggests climate change could benefit humans
By Jennifer Hansler - Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Scott Pruitt suggested Tuesday that climate change could benefit humans, despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
February 8th, 2018
| The New York Times
Rising Hummus Prices? Blame a Drought Half a World Away
By Amie Tsang - British shoppers began noticing in recent weeks that hummus prices were up significantly. The cause: a drought thousands of miles away.
December 5th, 2017
| Civil Eats
New Healthy Soil Guide Gives Cooks a Better Recipe for Climate Change
By Diana Donlon - December 5 marks the United Nations’ World Soil Day, which recognizes the crucial role soil plays in human health, food production, and climate change mitigation…
October 5th, 2017
| Reuters
Trump EPA to propose repealing Obama's climate regulation: document
By Valerie Volcovici - The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency will propose repealing the Clean Power Plan - the Obama administration’s centerpiece regulation to fight climate change - and plans to solicit input on a rule to replace it, according to an EPA document seen by Reuters.
March 14th, 2017
| The Daily Meal
What Global Warming Means for Apples, Tomatoes, and 15 Other Foods
Models and projections from National Geographic show that, overall, there will be a general decline in global agricultural output, but not all crops (nor all regions) will equally bear the brunt of an increasingly warm planet, higher CO2 levels, and greater soil salinity.
March 8th, 2017
| Science Daily
Diet and global climate change
Eating healthier food could reduce greenhouse gas emissions, suggests a new study. As it turns out, some relatively small diet tweaks could add up to significant inroads in addressing climate change.
February 27th, 2017
What's The Environmental Footprint Of A Loaf Of Bread? Now We Know
BY RHITU CHATTERJEE - When it comes to climate change, we often think of the cars we drive and the energy we use in our homes and offices. They are, after all, some of the biggest contributors to greenhouse gas emissions. But what about the toast you ate for breakfast this morning?
January 23rd, 2017
| The Huffington Post
Trump's Pick For Agriculture Secretary Is A Climate Denier, Too
By: Joseph Erbentraut - It appears to be a recurring theme among President Donald Trump's Cabinet nominees: climate skepticism. Former Georgia Gov. Sonny Perdue (R), whom Trump named Thursday as his nominee to lead the U.S. Department of Agriculture, has continued that trend.
October 24th, 2016
| The Huffington Post
A Sustainable Food System Could Be A Trillion-Dollar Global Windfall
By: Joseph Erbentraut - Our planet has a very long way to go toward building a food system that is truly and genuinely sustainable, but that work, if done correctly, could come with a massive reward…
June 2nd, 2016
| Inrernational Panel of Experts on Sustainable Food Systems
How to leave industrial agriculture behind: Food systems experts urge global shift towards agroecology
Input-intensive crop monocultures and industrial-scale feedlots must be consigned to the past in order to put global food systems onto sustainable footing, according to the world’s foremost experts on food security, agro-ecosystems and nutrition.
March 7th, 2016
| Take Part
As Climate Change Decimates Crops, 500,000 People Will Die Annually by 2050
By Nicole Mormann - It’s an age-old scenario at the family dinner table: parents or caregivers nagging kids to eat their vegetables…
November 6th, 2015
| New York Times
Citing Climate Change, Obama Rejects Construction of Keystone XL Oil Pipeline
By CORAL DAVENPORT - Mr. Obama’s denial of the proposed 1,179-mile pipeline, which would have carried 800,000 barrels a day of carbon-heavy petroleum from the Canadian oil sands to the Gulf Coast, comes as he seeks to build an ambitious legacy on climate change.
October 29th, 2015
Excitement Grows as NASA Carbon Sleuth Begins Year Two
Scientists busy poring over more than a year of data from NASA's Orbiting Carbon Observatory-2 (OCO-2) mission are seeing patterns emerge as they seek answers to the science questions that drive the mission.
October 19th, 2015
| Civil Eats
Sam Kass Wants to Put the Climate on the Menu Before it’s Too Late
By Twilight Greenaway and Michael R. Dimock - As the world prepares for critical climate negotiations in Paris this December, the former White House chef hopes to put food and agriculture on the global climate agenda—and on world leaders' plates.
September 15th, 2015
| California Climate & Agriculture Network
California Legislature Leaves Climate Solutions on the Table
By Renata Brillinger - California’s 2015 legislative session ended on September 11th with some big disappointments on climate policy. Among the setbacks was a delay in allocating $1.7 billion in cap-and-trade funds for a number of climate change programs, including the Governor’s proposed Healthy Soils Initiative.
July 28th, 2015
| Bloomberg Business
France Backs Soil Carbon Plan Ahead of Climate Summit: Le Foll
By Rudy Ruitenberg - France supports combining food security and carbon sequestration in soils as part of a global agreement to fight climate warming later this year, Agriculture Minister Stephane Le Foll said in an interview.
June 19th, 2015
| HuffPost Green
Ecologist-in-Chief urges Changes in Production and Consumption
By Diana Donlon - Pope Francis used his authority as one of the earth's most recognized religious leaders to issue an encyclical -- or letter -- on climate change and other environmental issues. The statement brings a much needed moral dimension to the climate crisis, which for too long has been framed predominantly in scientific or political terms.
June 18th, 2015
| The New York Times
Pope Francis, in Sweeping Encyclical, Calls for Swift Action on Climate Change
By Jim Yardley and Laurie Goodstein - Pope Francis on Thursday called for a radical transformation of politics, economics and individual lifestyles to confront environmental degradation and climate change, as his much-awaited papal encyclical blended a biting critique of consumerism and irresponsible development with a plea for swift and unified global action.
April 23rd, 2015
| The New York Times
The Obama administration is taking on agriculture’s role in climate change. Here’s why that’s a big deal
By Chris Mooney - When we talk about why the planet is warming, we talk about fossil fuels — oil, gas, coal and their many variants. What we rarely say or think to say, though, is that’s not the whole story. The fact is that plants take in carbon dioxide in the process of photosynthesis, and release it again when they die…
April 6th, 2015
| The Hill
Environmental impact should be part of dietary guidelines, groups say
By Lydia Wheeler - More than 100 environmental and health food groups, nutritionists, and educators say they support the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s recommendation to factor the health of the environment when mapping out what Americans should and shouldn’t be eating…
March 4th, 2015
| Earth Island Journal
Climate Change Poses Serious Threats to Food Distribution
by Elizabeth Grossman - The same effects that are hurting food production – storm surges, floods, and other extreme weather events all around the world – are also highlighting the vulnerability of food distribution systems that rely on long-distance transportation, centralized wholesale markets, and the often concentrated food production sources.
February 25th, 2015
| The New York Times
Food Waste Is Becoming Serious Economic and Environmental Issue, Report Says
By RON NIXON - With millions of households across the country struggling to have enough to eat, and millions of tons of food being tossed in the garbage, food waste is increasingly being seen as a serious environmental and economic issue.
February 20th, 2015
How whisky could fuel your car
By Anmar Frangoul - Scotland is famed for many things, from the poetry of Robert Burns to the rugged beauty of the Highlands and haggis. Today, the by-products of another world class Scottish icon – whisky – are being used to create a next-generation biofuel that could change the way we power everything from cars to planes.
February 20th, 2015
| Common Dreams
To Save the Planet, Eat Less Meat, Report Urges
By Nadia Prupis - Diana Donlon, director of the Cool Foods Program at the Center for Food Safety, told Common Dreams, "Americans need to understand that the way food is produced can have a positive or negative impact on the environment…
January 5th, 2015
| California Office of the Governor
Governor Jerry Brown lays out ambitious climate goals for California
I propose three ambitious goals to be accomplished within the next 15 years: Increase from one-third to 50 percent our electricity derived from renewable sources; Reduce today's petroleum use in cars and trucks by up to 50 percent; Double the efficiency of existing buildings and make heating fuels cleaner.
December 18th, 2014
| Huffington Post
Four Ways the Government Funding Bill Undermines Climate Progress
By Andrew Kimbrell - While we all know how the energy companies are fighting greenhouse gas regulation, the role of industrial agriculture in creating climate destabilization and avoiding regulation is far less publicized. So here four examples of the "secret" riders in the cromnibus bill that prevent progress against the climate crisis.
November 11th, 2014
| The New York Times
U.S. and China Reach Climate Accord After Months of Talks
By MARK LANDLER - China and the United States made common cause on Wednesday against the threat of climate change, staking out an ambitious joint plan to curb carbon emissions as a way to spur nations around the world to make their own cuts in greenhouse gases.
November 10th, 2014
| U.S. News and World Report
Who Speaks for the Earth?
By Jeff Nesbit - An interesting “friend of the court†brief was filed with the U.S. Supreme Court on Thursday, one that asks a provocative question: Who speaks for the Earth, and whose job is it to preserve it for the next generation that inherits it 15, 20 or 30 years from now?
November 7th, 2014
| Washington Post
How a national food policy could save millions of American lives
By Mark Bittman, Michael Pollan, Ricardo Salvador and Olivier De Schutter - How we produce and consume food has a bigger impact on Americans’ well-being than any other human activity. The food industry is the largest sector of our economy; food touches everything from our health to the environment, climate change, economic inequality and the federal budget…
October 24th, 2014
| The New York Times
Pragmatism on Climate Change Trumps Politics at Local Level Across U.S.
By JOHN SCHWARTZ - While politicians are increasingly willing to include environmental messages in their campaigns, many at the national level still steer clear of the politically charged topic of climate change…
October 20th, 2014
| San Francisco Chronicle
A sprinkle of compost helps rangeland lock up carbon
By Carolyn Lochhead - A compost experiment that began seven years ago on a Marin County ranch has uncovered a disarmingly simple and benign way to remove carbon dioxide from the air, holding the potential to turn the vast rangeland of California and the world into a weapon against climate change.
September 27th, 2014
| Huffington Post
5 Things to Do After Climate Week
By Diana Donlon - Thanks to the epic success of the People's Climate March, alarm bells demanding climate action have never rung louder. So, now that you've succeeded in elevating the mother of all issues to the top of the global agenda, where should you and your fellow 399,999 marchers direct your tide-turning energies?
September 18th, 2014
| Huffington Post
5 Cool Things to Do Before the People's Climate March
By Diana Donlon - The People's Climate March on September 21st will be a turning point for the climate movement. But, if we're not careful, it could also mean a lot of waste, and that means more greenhouse gases. Here are 5 cool tips to reduce your climate impact on the big day.
September 9th, 2014
| Washington Post
CO2 levels in atmosphere rising at dramatically faster rate, U.N. report warns
By Joby Warrick - Levels of heat-trapping carbon dioxide in the atmosphere rose at a record-shattering pace last year, a new report shows, a surge that surprised scientists and spurred fears of an accelerated warming of the planet in decades to come.
September 5th, 2014
| University of Michigan
Dietary recommendations may be tied to increased greenhouse gas emissions
If Americans altered their menus to conform to federal dietary recommendations, emissions of heat-trapping greenhouse gases tied to agricultural production could increase significantly, according to a new study by University of Michigan researchers.
August 26th, 2014
| New York Times
Obama Pursuing Climate Accord in Lieu of Treaty
By Coral Davenport - The Obama administration is working to forge a sweeping international climate change agreement to compel nations to cut their planet-warming fossil fuel emissions, but without ratification from Congress.
August 21st, 2014
| the Guardian
Food and drinks companies respond to consumer pressure on climate change
By Erinch Sahan - Kellogg’s and General Mills will join Mars, Unilever and Nestlé in signing BICEP’s Climate Declaration, proving consumers can influence global supply chains.
August 10th, 2014
| Associated Press / Yahoo News
Farms are focus of studies on drinking water toxin
By John Seewer - Scientists and farmers agree that phosphorus from agriculture runoff is feeding the blue-green algae blooms on Lake Erie linked to a toxin found in the drinking water of 400,000 people in Ohio and southeastern Michigan last week.
August 10th, 2014
| Washington Post
City program puts fresh veggies on low-income residents’ tables
By Karen Chen - “Oh, look!†said Loretta Haynesworth, 73, pointing to a collection of plump yellow and violet plums lined up in one of the stands on a recent weekend at the H Street Northeast farmers market. At the farmer’s encouragement, Haynesworth, wearing a bright pink shirt with matching pink lipstick, took a bite.
August 5th, 2014
| the Washington Post
Scientists may have cracked the giant Siberian crater mystery — and the news isn’t good
By Terrence McCoy - Researchers have long contended that the epicenter of global warming is also farthest from the reach of humanity. It’s in the barren landscapes of the frozen North, where red-cheeked children wear fur, the sun barely rises in the winter and temperatures can plunge to 122 degrees below zero.
August 1st, 2014
| Public Radio International, "Living on Earth"
The Burden of Beef
Beef may be what's for dinner but a National Academy of sciences report finds that beef is on average ten times worse for the environment than other meats. Food systems expert Anna Lappé discusses the beef burden and how to eat healthily with host Steve Curwood.
July 30th, 2014
| Huffington Post
We Can Reverse Climate Change by the Way We Grow Food
By Elizabeth Kucinich, CFS Policy Director - Yesterday the White House and USDA hosted a meeting with food, agriculture and data industry officials in an attempt to encourage innovation to stem the effects of climate change on agriculture and food production.
July 25th, 2014
| New York Times
Hold the Regret? Fast Food Seeks Virtuous Side
By Julia Moskin - The numbers were startling: Shares of Chipotle Mexican Grill shot up 12 percent on Tuesday after the company reported a nearly 26 percent spurt in its quarterly profit. For the fast-food industry, this was fresh evidence that the world of Big Macs and Doritos Locos Tacos has room for a menu with healthier-than-average food and higher-than-average prices.
July 25th, 2014
| New York Times
What Do Chinese Dumplings Have to Do With Global Warming?
By Nicola Twilley - ‘In Sichuan, we’re eaters,†said Chen Zemin, the world’s first and only frozen-dumpling billionaire. “We have an expression that goes, ‘Even if you have a very poor life, you still have your teeth to please.’ †He smiled and patted his not insubstantial belly. “I like to eat.â€
July 17th, 2014
| Chicago Tribune
'Peak soil' threatens future global food security
By Nigel Hunt & Sarah McFarlane - The challenge of ensuring future food security as populations grow and diets change has its roots in soil, but the increasing degradation of the earth's thin skin is threatening to push up food prices and increase deforestation.
July 7th, 2014
State officials promise tougher approach on nitrates contaminating groundwater
By Mark Steil - Minnesotans are spending millions of dollars to deal with nitrate contamination in their water, and the state agriculture department says it's time to insist that farmers do more to prevent the problem.
June 9th, 2014
| Spring of Sustainability
[Audio] Panel Presentation with CFS's Cool Foods Director Diana Donlon, "Tackling Climate Change in Your Household and Community"
CFS's Cool Foods Campaign Director, Diana Donlon, discusses what you can do to help fight climate change in the panel presentation "Tackling Climate Change in Your Household and Community." This interview is part of the Spring of Sustainability, a global tele series where you can learn from some of the most potent innovators, visionaries, green pioneers and change agents who offer skills training,…
June 2nd, 2014
| The New York Times
Unveiling New Carbon Plan, E.P.A. Focuses on Flexibility
By CORAL DAVENPORT - The Obama administration on Monday announced one of the strongest actions ever taken by the United States government to fight climate change, a proposed Environmental Protection Agency regulation to cut carbon pollution from the nation’s power plants 30 percent from 2005 levels by 2030.
May 9th, 2014
| Thomson Reuters Foundation
Faced with erratic weather, Pakistan farmers go organic
By Aamir Saeed - Pakistani growers are turning to organic farming as a way to adapt to climate change, boost food security for their families and increase their income.
May 7th, 2014
| Mother Jones
Our Alarming Food Future, Explained in 7 Charts
By Tom Philpott - A just-released, wide-ranging new federal report called the National Climate Assessment has answers. A collaborative project led by 13 federal agencies and five years in the making, the assessment is available for browsing on a very user-friendly website. Here's what I gleaned on the challenges to agriculture posed by climate change:
May 6th, 2014
VIDEO: The National Climate Assessment
Dr. John Holdren, President Obama's Science Advisor, introduces the National Climate Assessment and discusses President Obama's climate action plan which takes an all of the above energy approach towards combatting climate change now.
April 25th, 2014
| Forbes
Things To Think About While Shopping For Dinner
Beth Hoffman - Most of us are now familiar with the horrors of cows in feed lots, the environmental damage caused by cutting down the rainforest for agriculture, and the idea that the ever present chips and soda are deteriorating world health. Yet agriculture’s impact on the earth, and those who live on it, does not end there.
April 23rd, 2014
| Vox
Big food: Michael Pollan thinks Wall Street has way too much influence over what we eat
In 2008, food writer Michael Pollan published an open letter to President-Elect Barack Obama. He began with a warning. "It may surprise you to learn that among the issues that will occupy much of your time in the coming years is one you barely mentioned during the campaign: food."
April 20th, 2014
| The New York Times
California's Thirsting Farmland
By STEPHANIE STROM - This summer, Todd Allen’s only crop will be Pima cotton. He and his brother, Joel, usually also grow cantaloupes and, later in the season, winter wheat on about 600 acres or so…
April 17th, 2014
| The New York Times
It's the End of the World as We Know It . . . and He Feels Fine
By DANIEL SMITH - The Dark Mountain Project was founded in 2009. From the start, it has been difficult to pin down - even for its members. If you ask a representative of the Sierra Club to describe his organization, he will say that it promotes responsible use of the earth's resources. When you ask Kingsnorth about Dark Mountain, he speaks of mourning, grief and despair…
April 13th, 2014
| The New York Times
Climate Efforts Falling Short, U.N. Panel Says
By JUSTIN GILLIS - Delivering the latest stark news about climate change on Sunday, a United Nations panel warned that governments are not doing enough to avert profound risks in coming decades. But the experts found a silver lining: Not only is there still time to head off the worst, but the political will to do so seems to be rising around the world.
April 3rd, 2014
| Grist
Obama admin sued for dragging feet on studies of climate impacts
By John Upton - Just over a year ago, we told you that the Obama administration would soon start requiring federal agencies to consider climate change when analyzing the environmental impacts of major projects that need federal approval. But many weeks have come and gone and the guidelines still haven’t been released, so now activists are suing the administration to hurry things along.
March 31st, 2014
| The Guardian
Think the new climate report is scary? The food-pocalypse is already upon us
By Richard Schiffman - The final wording arrived today, and the IPCC report's most alarming projections make clear what many other studies have warned: the future of agriculture – of global hunger, of your grocery bill – is screwed…
March 30th, 2014
| New York Times
Panel's Warning on Climate Risk: Worst Is Yet to Come
By JUSTIN GILLIS - Climate change is already having sweeping effects on every continent and throughout the world’s oceans, scientists reported Monday, and they warned that the problem is likely to grow substantially worse unless greenhouse emissions are brought under control.
March 24th, 2014
| Associated Press / Huffington Post
Climate Change Dangers Here Now, Will Worsen Many Human Ills, UN Panel Warns
By Seth Borenstein - If you think of climate change as a hazard for some far-off polar bears years from now, you're mistaken. That's the message from top climate scientists gathering in Japan this week to assess the impact of global warming.
March 11th, 2014
| Huffington Post
NAFTA Report Warns Of Trade Deal Environmental Disasters
By Michael McAuliff - A report due to be released Tuesday aims to offer an object lesson to President Barack Obama: Free trade deals have high costs in unintended consequences for the environment, people's way of life, and local sovereignty.
February 27th, 2014
| Common Dreams
Organic Agriculture: 'The Way Forward' in the Age of Climate Change
By Andrea Germanos - From the Center for Food Safety's Cool Foods Campaign, Food & Climate: Connecting the Dots, Choosing the Way Forward contrasts the dominant, fossil-fuel dependent industrial agriculture system with organic and agroecological systems, and shows how the environmentally-friendly approach is also the best hope for future global food security as it not only reins in runaway carbon …
February 12th, 2014
The importance of soil carbon conservation in mitigating global climate change
The first comprehensive overview of the world's largest terrestrial pool of carbon highlights the importance of soil carbon conservation in mitigating global climate change.
January 28th, 2014
| Climate News Network
Fungus governs soil's carbon content
By Tim Radford - The soil stores the greater part of the Earth’s carbon. Just how much it stores is determined largely by what sort of fungi live in the roots of plants and trees, researchers have found. Most of the planet’s carbon is neither in the forests nor the atmosphere.
January 20th, 2014
| Bloomberg
Climate Proofing of Farms Seen Too Slow as Industry Faces Havoc
By Rudy Ruitenberg - Climate change will play havoc with farming, and policy makers and researchers aren’t fully aware of the significance on food supply, according to the World Bank.
January 8th, 2014
| The White House
The Polar Vortex Explained in 2 Minutes [Video]
President Obama's Science and Technology Advisor, Dr. John Holdren, explains the polar vortex in 2 minutes—and why climate change makes extreme weather more likely going forward.
November 13th, 2013
| Committee on Energy and Commerce
Stanford University State-Level Climate Polling Data
Stanford University Professor Jon Krosnick released new state level data on Americans’ views on climate change. Click on the map or list below to download a fact sheet on the climate polling data for each state.
November 11th, 2013
| The New York Times
A Jolt to Complacency on Food Supply
October 16th, 2013
| Chicago Council on Global Affairs
Climate Resilient Agriculture starts with Soil Protection
By Dr. Rattan Lal - Climate-resilient agriculture is integral to any strategy of adapting to and mitigation the potentially catastrophic effects that climate change may have on the world’s agricultural production and global food security. And one of the focus areas should be on soil organic carbon (SOC) levels.
September 27th, 2013
| New York Times
U.N. Climate Panel Endorses Ceiling on Global Emissions
By Justin Gillis - The world’s top climate scientists on Friday formally embraced an upper limit on greenhouse gases for the first time, establishing a target level at which humanity must stop spewing them into the atmosphere or face irreversible and potentially catastrophic climatic changes…
September 26th, 2013
| Food Tank
26 Films Every Food Activist Must Watch
Films and short videos are a powerful way of increasing awareness of and interest in the food system. With equal parts technology and artistry, filmmakers can bring an audience to a vegetable garden in Uganda, a fast food workers’ rights protest in New York City, or an urban farm in Singapore…
September 11th, 2013
| Huffington Post
Global Food Waste Accounts For More Emissions Than Any Country Except U.S. And China, UN Reveals
The food the world wastes accounts for more greenhouse gas emissions than any country except for China and the United States, the United Nations said in a report on Wednesday. Every year about a third of all food for human consumption, around 1.3 billion tonnes, is wasted, along with all the energy, water and chemicals needed to produce it and dispose of it.
September 3rd, 2013
| Mother Jones
The Real Reason Kansas Is Running Out of Water
By Tom Philpott - Like dot-com moguls in the '90s and real estate gurus in the 2000s, farmers in western Kansas are enjoying the fruits of a bubble: Their crop yields have been boosted by a gusher of soon-to-vanish irrigation water. That's the message of a new study by Kansas State University researchers.
August 27th, 2013
| National Geographic
Rising Seas
By Tim Folger - As the planet warms, the sea rises. Coastlines flood. What will we protect? What will we abandon? How will we face the danger of rising seas?
August 19th, 2013
| New York Times
Climate Panel Cites Near Certainty on Warming
By Justin Gillis - A new report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change states that the authors are now 95 percent to 100 percent confident that human activity is the primary influence on planetary warming.
July 30th, 2013
| Washington Post
As new EPA chief, Gina McCarthy vows to act on climate change
By Juliet Eilperin - The new head of the Environmental Protection Agency told an audience at Harvard Law School on Tuesday that cutting carbon pollution will “feed the economic agenda of this country†and vowed to work with industry leaders on shaping policies aimed at curbing global warming.
July 29th, 2013
| New York Times
With Too Much Rain in the South, Too Little Produce on the Shelves
By Kim Severson - The tomatoes in Tennessee are splitting. Tobacco in North Carolina is drowning. And watermelons, which seem as if they would like all the rain that has soaked the South, have taken perhaps the biggest hit of all.
July 21st, 2013
| The New York Times
Our Coming Food Crisis
By GARY PAUL NABHAN - The answer so far has been to help affected farmers with payouts from crop insurance plans. But while we can all sympathize with affected farmers, such assistance is merely a temporary response to a long-term problem. Fortunately, there are dozens of time-tested strategies that our best farmers and ranchers have begun to use…
June 25th, 2013
| The White House
President Obama Speaks on Climate Change
[Video] President Obama lays out his vision for a plan to reduce carbon pollution and address climate change.
January 18th, 2013
| The Atlantic
The Agricultural Fulcrum: Better Food, Better Climate
The National Climate Assessment, released this week, predicted increasingly negative impact of weather extremes on crops. But with industrialized farming as a key player in greenhouse gas emissions and climate change, the vicious cycle needs breaking.